A little background info.

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Anchorage, AK, United States
I moved to Alaska a few years ago and started the Update as a means to keep connected with the outside world. I hope you enjoy my (mis)adventures and stories from the Great Land! Feel free to leave a comment! For designers - please see my other blog,The Book Design Guide. The link is posted to the right in my 'selected links'.

Friday, August 25, 2006

And he's off - sort of

August 25th, 2006

Hello again,

I promise not to do this on a daily basis, but I couldn't resist! Chris got off to a very rocky start this morning, and it seems that everything that could go wrong went wrong right away.

We had a very hard time getting the cat into the truck and an even harder time getting Lax in and keeping Zev out. Both dogs and cat alike were quite traumatized from the morning of last minute packing and checking. Chris finally did get on the road at about 9:30, and I thought things were going to go smoothly (first lesson learned- DON'T THINK!). I called him at about 11:00 to see how the drive was starting (thinking he should have been somewhere near Weiser, Idaho) and wow did I get quite the ear-full. The BRAND NEW boat cover was not staying on the boat, and the cords attaching the cover to the trailer were getting tangled up in the tires of the trailer, which slowly unraveled the rope and then cut it into pieces, not leaving enough to even attempt to get it back on the boat. As if that weren't bad enough, he had not yet made it out of Nampa (17 miles West of Boise) due to heavy traffic and regular stops to fix the cover. After finally deciding to remove the cover and let the boat go uncovered, he managed to make pretty good time from there.

I managed another call at around 3 pm, and he had made it all the way to Lewiston, Idaho with very little trouble, and things seemed to be looking pretty good. The Canadian border is only short drive north from there, so he was quite optimistic he'd make the border before dark (second lesson learned- DON'T BE OPTIMISTIC!). About 2 hours later, while pulling into Coeur d’Alene, all bets were off. Chris was waging war against the boat trailer, or rather it was waging war against him and winning. The boat trailer got a flat, and even with a good spare, Chris wanted to get another spare just in case, however, all businesses were closed or closing until Monday, the Dog was antsy, and the cat was screaming non-stop. As if that weren't bad enough, torrential rain soaked everything that was in the back of the boat (fortunately nothing that couldn't dry out nicely), but frustrating none the less, and Chris was thinking about swimming the rest of the way. At last conversation, he was planning to find a place to camp (in the rain), just outside the city, and have a wet dinner with the dog in hopes of somewhat better conditions in the morning. I understand that all of the nasty weather that was flooding Alaska last week was moving in our direction, and Chris seems to be getting into the middle of it. I hope for his sake, that the weather passes quickly, and that he'll be able to make some of the drive with his sanity in tact. We'll see about that.

I knew fair travels would be too good to be true, but neither of us expected it to start off this crazy. Oddly enough, Chris still saw the "Future" humor value, and giggled a bit at his own situation as well. I had to contain myself while listening to the borage of cursing that the boat was enduring, and I'm quite surprised he didn't just leave it there on the side of the road with a "free to good home" sign on it. It all sounded like a bad comedy, but I still had to crack a grin and giggle just a bit at the whole situation my dear husband was in. I'm sure he'll be in touch, and over the next few days I'll let everyone know where and how he is.

Have a great weekend!

(...and Zev too)

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