A little background info.

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Anchorage, AK, United States
I moved to Alaska a few years ago and started the Update as a means to keep connected with the outside world. I hope you enjoy my (mis)adventures and stories from the Great Land! Feel free to leave a comment! For designers - please see my other blog,The Book Design Guide. The link is posted to the right in my 'selected links'.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Moving Update - as promised - August 24th 2006

August 24th, 2006

Hello to all,

Here is the update on our trip as promised from the first email... Chris leaves in the morning for the North, and thus far has decided to go through Spokane and then North to Calgary to catch up with the Al-Can Highway. We've found a place to stay in Anchorage that takes "Large" dogs, and much to my dismay, our landlord has given us brand new carpeting (guess that's one deposit we won't see again). At any rate, the past couple of weeks have been quite exhausting!

We've painted the house, replaced all of the cracked tiles, stained the grout in the kitchen, repaired the fence, re-seeded the lawn, cut down 2 trees (one got hit by lightening last week), updated the landscaping, fixed and re-glazed the windows, and polished the travertine in the bedroom. After all of that, we managed to throw a going away party for Chris, and had a rather large turn out. We were quite touched by all of our friends who came out to see us, and we were reminded once again what a great place we are about to leave behind. With that said, we have also found a potential buyer for our house, though we have yet to actually list it. Tim, or Tom, or whatever his name is seemed quite taken with house, and he’s coming back for a second look on Wednesday next week with his girlfriend Sybil.

This afternoon, Chris and I spent some time at the bank to get finances in order and we're both pretty confident that we haven't forgotten anything vital. I fully expect to find out which vital things were indeed forgotten about 3 days after Chris is on the road and out of telephone service. We've had the car and truck oiled and tuned, and got the boat trailer road ready with newly packed bearings and a good spare. Chris will be traveling with Lax (the lab) and Mitre (the cat), as well as an extensive assortment of books on CD and Car Talk MP3's thanks to our good friend Shaunna. We've double checked passports and vet records to make border crossing easier, and purchased a great book called "The Milepost" which has fantastic information about the drive.

I'll take this weekend off from house work (just one day at least), and then starting next week set out to have one complete room per week packed and ready to go. My mother will be joining me in mid September, and then my father will be coming back from Europe to accompany me on my long drive in late October. I'm strongly considering using the Ferry system for the U-haul and then driving with Zev (the Pyrenees), and my father in the car through Bellingham. At this point in time, that seems to be the best plan.

I'll keep everyone posted with the latest news from the road.


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